Part of a student’s education at Lolo School District includes learning appropriate behavior for success in the community and future endeavors. With a focus on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors, while at the same time responding appropriately to inappropriate behaviors through understanding and accountability, Lolo School District utilizes the highly regarded and used Montana Behavioral Initiative (MBI) program and Olweus Bully Prevention Program within its day to day curriculum. All staff members receive MBI and Olweus training in order to provide a consistent approach for teaching appropriate behavioral expectations and providing appropriate responses for inappropriate behaviors. Basic information regarding both of these programs is included in this website directory area. Please contact either the Lolo Elementary or Middle School offices should you have any questions.


(some info taken from OPI website)

The Montana Behavior Initiative (MBI) is part of a nationwide movement for Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems. The practices of MBI stress proactive approaches to supporting positive student behaviors and a social culture that establishes social, emotional, and academic success for all. MBI utilizes a Response to Intervention model for behavior supports, just as we use a similar three-tiered model for academic supports. Most behaviors can be redirected within the tier 1. Some behaviors requiring additional interventions are handled with tier 2 or 3 supports. MBI reinforces positively stated expectations and common language for teaching those expectations to our students. The framework of MBI provides districtwide and school-wide guidelines and leaves flexibility for grade level teams, specialists, and individual teachers to develop positively stated behavior expectations specific to their needs. Parental support and involvement is critical in helping teach/model appropriate behavior and providing consistent and appropriate consequences for misbehavior. Lolo School regularly provides parents with its MBI/school/classroom behavioral expectations for students. Please contact either the Lolo Elementary or Middle School offices for further information or questions.


(information, in part, provided by Olweus Bully Prevention Guide - Hazelden)

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is the most researched and probably best-known bullying prevention program available today. Developed by Dan Olweus of Norway, Olweus has over 35 years of research behind it and has been implemented throughout the world in countries such as the United States, Canada, England, Mexico, Iceland, Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Croatia.

Olweus is recognized by the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence as one of only 11) Blueprints Model Programs and by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration as a Model Program--two of the highest honors a prevention program can attain. It has also received numerous awards from other organizations dedicated to addressing the issue of bullying and violence among children.

The goals of the Olweus program are:

to reduce existing bullying problems among students
to prevent the development of new bullying problems
to achieve better peer relations at school

Lolo School District uses the following four rules as a primary component of its Olweus anti-bullying program:

1. We will not bully others.
2. We will help students who are bullied.
3. We will include students who are left out.
4. If we know a student is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and at home.

All staff at Lolo School District receive ongoing information and training relative to bullying prevention and how to respond quickly and appropriately to bullying behavior. In many grade levels, bullying prevention topics become a proactive component of positive classroom meetings and classroom guidance instruction. Parental support and involvement is critical to the success of the Olweus program and helping teach our students appropriate behaviors. Lolo School District provides information to parents regarding how they can be involved. For more information, please contact either the Lolo Elementary or Lolo Middle School offices.