Welcome back students!
over 5 years ago, Dale Olinger
Photo of siblings headed to the first day of school.
Lolo School welcomes new team members to our learning community this morning. Welcome aboard teachers, paraprofessionals, coordinators, and new CSCT staff.
over 5 years ago, Dale Olinger
Photo of new crew members at Lolo School
Lolo teachers (from left) Olson, Bramblett, Sax, Hilliard, Long, Williams, & Meinhold at a Professional Learning Communities conference. Taking three days out of their summer to learn how we work in teams to ensure all students learn at high levels. Lolo teachers are committed!
over 5 years ago, Dale Olinger
Lolo teachers Olson, Bramblett, Sax, Hilliard, Long, Williams, & Meinhold
It's a great day at Lolo School District! :)
almost 6 years ago, Lolo School District 7
Lolo school district's logo
This is the last weekend of the Elementary Art Show at Southgate Mall. Be sure to check it out before 3:00pm on Sunday 5/19. Lolo School's fabulous display is near the Eddie Bauer store.
almost 6 years ago, Lolo School District 7
Lolo School Extracurricular Children’s Choir performs for their classmates. Excellent work!
almost 6 years ago, Lolo School District 7
Choir performs for classmates