Another successful Math Night! 3rd Graders became superheros as they solved math clues, found hidden monsters, and untimately saved the school!
Pizza with the Principal Day
Congratulations to these lucky Blue Ticket winners!
2nd Graders enjoying special weekly guests for reading buddies during Flashlight Friday.
7th Grade incorporating 2 Point perspective and landscape paintings to create a contemporary piece of art!
6th graders apply their understanding of reliable sources by using a ‘Credibility Checklist’ to evaluate a plethora of websites.
5th graders working hard to learn all there is to know about decimals!
Madalyn Biggs working on Veteran's Documentary for Jack Babon.
7th and 8th Grade Friday Writing in ELA and SS: An art and writing friendly competition.
In 2nd Grade Art we have been working on our observational drawing and creating realism with value! Here are some cows from Ms. Vance’s class showing the students’ amazing skills!
8th grade learning with Dr. Yopp
8th grade learns about static electricity with the Van der Graaf generator.
First grade students working hard on their self portrait projects in Art!
6th grade Community Service elective students are busy reading with their Kindergarten buddies.
The MCT directors for Pinocchio provided Improv workshops in the 6th grade classrooms as part of their residency here at Lolo School. Thank you to Lolo Booster Club for organizing and funding this great program.
Students in TACL (Technology and Consumer Lab) make a variety of different treats including fry bread with chicken and hot chocolate cupcakes!
72 Lolo students brought their smiles to the audition for MCT this afternoon. Awesome turnout. Way to go!
Third graders practice Reader’s Theater for the second grade
Kindergarten students had fun decorating gingerbread houses with their families. Thank you, Mrs. Hollandsworth for baking the gingerbread!
Winners of the ugly sweater contest during the middle school dance.
Our kindergarteners together watching The Polar Express and celebrating the holidays.